James Kay Photo Prints

Color Prints

Our fine-art landscape photography galleries feature over 300 images from western North America. All images were captured on 6x7cm or 6x17cm panorama format film. These larger formats provide excellent reproduction quality at even the largest print sizes. Each print is individually produced on Fuji Crystal Archive paper and is one in a limited-edition series of seven-hundred-fifty, individually signed and numbered by James Kay. Fuji Crystal Archive paper is the accepted standard for fine-art photographic gallery prints. This exceptional paper offers vivid color and contrast along with archival life expectancy. Under normal viewing conditions, Fuji claims that the rich colors in your print will show no sign of color shift or fading for a period of 40-60 years even without the added protection of standard glass. We have chosen Bay Photo Lab in Scott’s Valley, CA to produce our prints due to their reputation in the fine-art printing world. The prints are produced on traditional photographic paper using a Chromira RA-4 printer. The Chromira is the ultimate fine-art photographic printer and uses red, green and blue lasers to expose the paper.

Both our color and black & white fine-art print galleries feature photography from Grand Teton National Park, Grand Canyon National Park, Glacier National Park, Banff National Park, Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon National Park, Arches National Park, Capitol Reef National Park, Jasper National Park and Canyonlands National Park. Photos from areas outside the national parks include the Colorado Rockies, Telluride and the San Juan Mountains, Utah Canyonlands, Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument, Paria Canyons, The Maroon Bells, Wind River Mountains & Vermilion Cliffs Wilderness.